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The content type of the response is set automatically from the extension of the file. Note that this is a terminal middleware handler function. If a file is served, then the rest of the handler functions will not be called. If a file was not found, however, the rest of the handlers are still called.


mw_static(root, set_headers = NULL)



Root path of the served files. Everything under this directory is served automatically. Directory lists are not currently supports.


Callback function to call before a file is served.


Handler function.

See also


root <- system.file(package = "webfakes", "examples", "static", "public")
app <- new_app()
app$use(mw_static(root = root))
#> <webfakes_app>
#> routes:
#>   use *
#> fields and methods:
#>   all(path, ...)         # add route for *all* HTTP methods
#>   delete(path, ...)      # add route for DELETE
#>   engine(ext, engine)    # add template engine for file extension
#>   head(path, ...)        # add route for HEAD
#>   listen(port)           # start web app on port
#>   patch(path, ...)       # add route for PATCH
#>   post(path, ...)        # add route for POST
#>   put(path, ...)         # add route for PUT
#>   use(...)               # add middleware
#>   locals                 # app-wide shared data
#> # see ?webfakes_app for all methods