The webfakes package comes with two fake apps that allow to imitate
the OAuth2.0 flow in your test cases. (See Aaron Parecki’s
tutorial for a good introduction to OAuth2.0.) One app
) is the API server that serves both
as the resource and provides authorization.
plays the role of the third-party
app. They are useful when testing or demonstrating code handling
OAuth2.0 authorization, token caching, etc. in a package. The apps can
be used in your tests directly, or you could adapt one or both of them
to better mimic a particular OAuth2.0 flow.
In this vignette, we shall look at how to implement a flow using both
apps, or the server app together with httr’s OAuth tools. In both cases
we shall use the httr package as HTTP client. We shall end with a case
study for OAuth2.0 testing. For an example using the curl package
instead, look at the test file test-oauth.R
of webfakes
The OAuth2.0 resource and authorization server
First we need to create the resource server, which also performs the authorization, and we create variables holding its different URLs.
templog <- tempfile()
rsapp <- new_app_process(
refresh_duration = .Machine$integer.max,
access_duration = 10L,
opts = server_opts(num_threads = 3)
regi_url <- rsapp$url("/register")
auth_url <- rsapp$url("/authorize")
toke_url <- rsapp$url("/token")
#> <webfakes_app_process>
#> state:
#> live
#> auto_start:
#> process id:
#> 9345
#> http url:
#> fields and methods:
#> get_app() # get the app object
#> get_port() # query (first) port of the app
#> get_ports() # query all ports of the app
#> get_state() # query web server process state
#> local_env(envvars) # set temporary environment variables
#> start() # start the app
#> url(path, query) # query url for an api path
#> stop() # stop web server process
#> # see ?webfakes_app_process for details
Fake third party application
OAuth2.0 app creation & registration
Then we create the third-party app, and we create variables holding its different URLs.
tpapp <- new_app_process(
oauth2_third_party_app("3P app"),
opts = server_opts(num_threads = 3)
redi_url <- tpapp$url("/login/redirect")
conf_url <- tpapp$url("/login/config")
#> <webfakes_app_process>
#> state:
#> live
#> auto_start:
#> process id:
#> 9360
#> http url:
#> fields and methods:
#> get_app() # get the app object
#> get_port() # query (first) port of the app
#> get_ports() # query all ports of the app
#> get_state() # query web server process state
#> local_env(envvars) # set temporary environment variables
#> start() # start the app
#> url(path, query) # query url for an api path
#> stop() # stop web server process
#> # see ?webfakes_app_process for details
We then need to register the third-party app at the resource server.
In real life this is done by the admin of the third party app. Our fake
resource server provides an endpoint at /register
) to do this automatically, without user
interaction. We need to send the name of our third party app, and its
redirect URL, as query parameters.
url <- paste0(
"&redirect_uri=", redi_url
reg_resp <- httr::GET(url)
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 184 B
regdata <- httr::content(reg_resp)
#> $name
#> $name[[1]]
#> [1] "3P app"
#> $client_id
#> $client_id[[1]]
#> [1] "id-6a3ac387cb108ddd29d45269a2f4b8"
#> $client_secret
#> $client_secret[[1]]
#> [1] "secret-0aa732e743b64bf0228574229d3fff"
#> $redirect_uri
#> $redirect_uri[[1]]
#> [1] ""
The resource app replies with the client id and the client secret.
We’ll use them to authenticate the third party app. In real life they
are included in the config of the third party app by its admin. Our
third party app has an API endpoint, /login/config
in conf_url
) to configure them.
auth_data <- list(
auth_url = auth_url,
token_url = toke_url,
client_id = regdata$client_id[[1]],
client_secret = regdata$client_secret[[1]]
body = auth_data,
encode = "json"
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 41 B
The OAuth2.0 dance
Now a user can go to the login URL of the third party app,
in our fake app, to authenticate. To start the web
page from R, you can run
The third party app now has a token, that it can use to authenticate
to the resource app. See the test-oauth.R
file within
webfakes to see how to do this part programmatically, without a
By default our fake third party app saves the token(s) into a local variable, and also returns in JSON, so you can see that in the browser:
#> {
#> "access_token": "token-c6be45eee35844e7ec1d6ada44bc15",
#> "expiry": 10,
#> "refresh_token": "refresh-token-ee3f1285a6f4585e9f410375e0512d"
#> }
If you want to change this behavior, you can define the
function in the third party app. For
thirdp <- oauth2_third_party_app("3P app")
thirdp$redirect_hook <- function(res, tokens) {
send("Authentication complete, return to R!")
tpapp2 <- new_app_process(
opts = server_opts(num_threads = 3)
redi_url2 <- tpapp2$url("/login/redirect")
conf_url2 <- tpapp2$url("/login/config")
#> <webfakes_app_process>
#> state:
#> live
#> auto_start:
#> process id:
#> 9374
#> http url:
#> fields and methods:
#> get_app() # get the app object
#> get_port() # query (first) port of the app
#> get_ports() # query all ports of the app
#> get_state() # query web server process state
#> local_env(envvars) # set temporary environment variables
#> start() # start the app
#> url(path, query) # query url for an api path
#> stop() # stop web server process
#> # see ?webfakes_app_process for details
url2 <- paste0(
"&redirect_uri=", redi_url2
reg_resp2 <- httr::GET(url2)
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 185 B
regdata2 <- httr::content(reg_resp2)
#> $name
#> $name[[1]]
#> [1] "3P app2"
#> $client_id
#> $client_id[[1]]
#> [1] "id-7f36f64bb7ab45565994786a5643d5"
#> $client_secret
#> $client_secret[[1]]
#> [1] "secret-d7b6d4eb59bee3dca0c55e2b3ed25d"
#> $redirect_uri
#> $redirect_uri[[1]]
#> [1] ""
auth_data2 <- list(
auth_url = auth_url,
token_url = toke_url,
client_id = regdata2$client_id[[1]],
client_secret = regdata2$client_secret[[1]]
body = auth_data2,
encode = "json"
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 41 B
Then again you can authenticate at the new app with
#> Authentication complete, return to R!
The fake third party app also has an endpoint to return the saved tokens:
#> $access_token
#> [1] "token-08e1470fb2bbfa9216925390655281"
#> $expiry
#> [1] 10
#> $refresh_token
#> [1] "refresh-token-f70b06b589156b9b5d462b040c500c"
Now the third-party app can get data on your behalf (the whole goal of OAuth!) — it could also post data on your behalf if the resource app had endpoints for that.
For example the /data
endpoint of the third party app
queries the resource app and needs authentication. If you run the
following without the OAuth dance, your access is denied. But now it
works fine:
resp_data <- httr::GET(tpapp2$url("/data"))
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 24 B
httr::content(resp_data, as = "text")
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#> [1] "{\"data\":[\"top secret!\"]}"
In real life, access by the third-party app might be limited to some scopes, but the fake apps shipped with webfakes do not handle that.
The fake resource server and httr
When you use httr’s OAuth tool, there’s some gymnastics happening as R is playing the role of a third-party app via httr and httpuv (to listen to the redirect URI).
OAuth2.0 app creation & registration
What’s crucial here is setting httr::oauth_callback()
redirect URI, which is what you do when creating an app for an R package
that uses OAuth2.0 to authenticate to a resource server.
url3 <- paste0(
"&redirect_uri=", httr::oauth_callback()
reg_resp3 <- httr::GET(url3)
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 200
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Size: 170 B
regdata3 <- httr::content(reg_resp3)
#> $name
#> $name[[1]]
#> [1] "3P app2"
#> $client_id
#> $client_id[[1]]
#> [1] "id-ffc3073a123dfbfc1c2c776df6d2dc"
#> $client_secret
#> $client_secret[[1]]
#> [1] "secret-bf38719d469a949ca0010dcf9ebfa0"
#> $redirect_uri
#> $redirect_uri[[1]]
#> [1] "http://localhost:1410/"
Now we set the registration data on the third-party app.
app <- httr::oauth_app(
"3P app2",
key = regdata3$client_id[[1]],
secret = regdata3$client_secret[[1]],
redirect_uri = httr::oauth_callback()
endpoint <- httr::oauth_endpoint(
authorize = auth_url,
access = toke_url
Now we can launch the token creation.
token <- oauth2_httr_login(
httr::oauth2.0_token(endpoint, app, cache = FALSE)
#> Waiting for authentication in browser...
#> Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
#> Authentication complete.
#> <Token>
#> <oauth_endpoint>
#> authorize:
#> access:
#> <oauth_app> 3P app2
#> key: id-ffc3073a123dfbfc1c2c776df6d2dc
#> secret: <hidden>
#> <credentials> access_token, expiry, refresh_token
#> ---
Without the token, the query to the resource server fails:
#> Response []
#> Date: 2025-01-14 10:06
#> Status: 401
#> Content-Type: text/plain
#> Size: 20 B
With the token, it is successful. httr also automatically refreshes the token if needed.
Advanced topics
With these apps, or only the resource server app, you can now test your code that helps users create and store an OAuth2.0 token.
Like all webfakes apps, OAuth2.0 apps are extensible: you can add
your own endpoints and middleware to it. E.g. here we add logging via
and a new endpoint.
rsapp2 <- oauth2_resource_app(
refresh_duration = .Machine$integer.max,
access_duration = 10L
logfile <- tempfile("oauth-rs-", fileext = ".log")
rsapp2$use(mw_log(stream = logfile), .first = TRUE)
rsapp2$get("/docs", function(req, res) {
send("See vignette('oauth', package = 'webfakes')")
rsapp2_process <- new_app_process(
opts = server_opts(num_threads = 3)
If you want to customize one of the apps or both apps a lot, it might make sense to use their source code as starting point or inspiration.
See the usual
debugging advice for webfakes apps. In particular, you can add the
middleware to write the log of the app to a file,
like we did above.
The resource app has a /locals
endpoint, that returns
all data stored in the app, this includes the tokens and the refresh
#> $apps
#> $apps[[1]]
#> $apps[[1]]$name
#> [1] "3P app"
#> $apps[[1]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-6a3ac387cb108ddd29d45269a2f4b8"
#> $apps[[1]]$client_secret
#> [1] "secret-0aa732e743b64bf0228574229d3fff"
#> $apps[[1]]$redirect_uri
#> [1] ""
#> $apps[[2]]
#> $apps[[2]]$name
#> [1] "3P app2"
#> $apps[[2]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-7f36f64bb7ab45565994786a5643d5"
#> $apps[[2]]$client_secret
#> [1] "secret-d7b6d4eb59bee3dca0c55e2b3ed25d"
#> $apps[[2]]$redirect_uri
#> [1] ""
#> $apps[[3]]
#> $apps[[3]]$name
#> [1] "3P app2"
#> $apps[[3]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-ffc3073a123dfbfc1c2c776df6d2dc"
#> $apps[[3]]$client_secret
#> [1] "secret-bf38719d469a949ca0010dcf9ebfa0"
#> $apps[[3]]$redirect_uri
#> [1] "http://localhost:1410/"
#> $access
#> $access[[1]]
#> $access[[1]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-6a3ac387cb108ddd29d45269a2f4b8"
#> $access[[1]]$token
#> [1] "token-c6be45eee35844e7ec1d6ada44bc15"
#> $access[[1]]$expiry
#> [1] "2025-01-14 10:06:31"
#> $access[[2]]
#> $access[[2]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-7f36f64bb7ab45565994786a5643d5"
#> $access[[2]]$token
#> [1] "token-08e1470fb2bbfa9216925390655281"
#> $access[[2]]$expiry
#> [1] "2025-01-14 10:06:32"
#> $access[[3]]
#> $access[[3]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-ffc3073a123dfbfc1c2c776df6d2dc"
#> $access[[3]]$token
#> [1] "token-1f46a0366717828ac5cc842c163a31"
#> $access[[3]]$expiry
#> [1] "2025-01-14 10:06:33"
#> $refresh
#> $refresh[[1]]
#> $refresh[[1]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-6a3ac387cb108ddd29d45269a2f4b8"
#> $refresh[[1]]$token
#> [1] "refresh-token-ee3f1285a6f4585e9f410375e0512d"
#> $refresh[[1]]$expiry
#> [1] "2093-02-01 13:20:28"
#> $refresh[[2]]
#> $refresh[[2]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-7f36f64bb7ab45565994786a5643d5"
#> $refresh[[2]]$token
#> [1] "refresh-token-f70b06b589156b9b5d462b040c500c"
#> $refresh[[2]]$expiry
#> [1] "2093-02-01 13:20:29"
#> $refresh[[3]]
#> $refresh[[3]]$client_id
#> [1] "id-ffc3073a123dfbfc1c2c776df6d2dc"
#> $refresh[[3]]$token
#> [1] "refresh-token-81d2b2f09bcf64302605ab6a9750b3"
#> $refresh[[3]]$expiry
#> [1] "2093-02-01 13:20:30"
Case study for OAuth2.0 testing
Consider a package that has a function that uses OAuth2.0 to access GitHub. In this section we’ll show how you can use webfakes to test this function.
gh_base <- function() {
Sys.getenv("FAKE_GH_API_BASE", "")
gh_oauth_base <- function() {
gh_repos <- function() {
ghapp <- httr::oauth_app(
key = Sys.getenv("GH_CLIENT_ID"),
secret = Sys.getenv("GH_CLIENT_SECRET")
endpoints <- httr::oauth_endpoint(
base_url = gh_oauth_base(),
request = NULL,
authorize = "authorize",
access = "access_token"
gh_token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(
cache = FALSE
httr_token <- httr::config(token = gh_token)
response <- httr::GET(
paste0(gh_base(), "/user/repos?visibility=public"),
httr::add_headers(Accept = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
config = httr_token
json <- httr::content(response, as = "text")
repos <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json, simplifyVector = FALSE)
vapply(repos, function(r) r$full_name, character(1))
uses an OAuth2.0 app to get a token from
GitHub, and then uses that token to authenticate and list the public
repositories of the current user. In a real package you would probably
get the token in a separate function, cache it, and re-use it for
multiple queries. (Also, you don’t actually need authorization for
listing public repositories, so this is a somewhat artificial
To run this function, you would need to register an app at Make sure that
you set http://localhost:1410
as the authorization callback
URL. You can set the other options as you please. Then in R set the
variables to the client id and client secret of the app:
Sys.setenv(GH_CLIENT_ID = "<your client id here>")
Sys.setenv(GH_CLIENT_SECRET = "<your client secret here>")
When you run this function it opens a Window in your browser, where you can authorize the app to access your public information on GitHub. For the subsequent runs that browser window still opens, but the authorization is automatic. In a real package you could cache the OAuth2.0 tokens on the machine, e.g. using the keyring package.
#> Waiting for authentication in browser...
#> Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
#> Authentication complete.
#> [1] "gaborcsardi/altlist" "gaborcsardi/argufy"
#> [3] "gaborcsardi/async" "gaborcsardi/disposables"
#> [5] "gaborcsardi/dotenv" "gaborcsardi/falsy"
#> [7] "gaborcsardi/franc" "gaborcsardi/ISA"
#> [9] "gaborcsardi/keypress" "gaborcsardi/lpSolve"
#> [11] "gaborcsardi/macBriain" "gaborcsardi/maxygen"
#> [13] "gaborcsardi/MISO" "gaborcsardi/msgtools"
#> [15] "gaborcsardi/notifier" "gaborcsardi/odbc"
#> [17] "gaborcsardi/parr" "gaborcsardi/parsedate"
#> [19] "gaborcsardi/prompt" "gaborcsardi/r-font"
#> [21] "gaborcsardi/r-source" "gaborcsardi/rcorpora"
#> [23] "gaborcsardi/roxygenlabs" "gaborcsardi/sankey"
#> [25] "gaborcsardi/secret" "gaborcsardi/spark"
#> [27] "gaborcsardi/standalones"
Let’s write a test case now for gh_repos()
. We will use
to fake GitHub.
testthat::test_that("gh_repos", {
fake_app <- oauth2_resource_app(token_endpoint = "/access_token")
fake_app$get("/user/repos", function(req, res) {
if (!app$is_authorized(req, res)) return()
list(full_name = "user/repo1"),
list(full_name = "user/repo2")
), auto_unbox = TRUE)
fake_proc <- local_app_process(
opts = server_opts(num_threads = 3)
# register the app to our fake GH server
reg_url <- paste0(
regdata <- httr::content(httr::GET(reg_url))
GH_CLIENT_ID = regdata$client_id[[1]],
GH_CLIENT_SECRET = regdata$client_secret[[1]],
FAKE_GH_API_BASE = fake_proc$url(),
FAKE_GH_AUTH_BASE = fake_proc$url()
ret <- suppressMessages(webfakes::oauth2_httr_login(
testthat::expect_equal(ret, c("user/repo1", "user/repo2"))
#> Test passed 🎉
Some important points about this test case:
Since the test case will fail if port 1410 is taken, it is safer to skip it on CRAN.
is a webfakes app, that is almost the same asoauth2_resource_app()
, with two changes.- The first is the we change the end point for getting a token to
because that is what GitHub uses. - The second is that we also add the
endpoint. This endpoint needs authorization, this is why it callsapp$is_authorized()
, which fails without it, and the app returns 401 Access denied.
- The first is the we change the end point for getting a token to
is the app process that runs our fake GH app. Always run the fake OAuth2.0 apps with multiple threads.Our fake GitHub app has an endpoint to register the app we are testing. We need to send the app’s name and the correct redirect URI, and
will reply with a fake client id and client secret.We set
to the fake ones we just got fromfake_app
.We also redirect
to the fake app, by settingFAKE_GH_API_BASE
.Now if we call
, it will connect to our fake app. We also need to make sure that httr can log in to the fake app, without a browser interaction. Thewebfakes::oauth2_httr_login()
wrapper takes care of that. It runs an HTTP client in a background process, to perform the log in.If the background process in
fails to log in for some reason, the test code might freeze. This is another good reason to skip this test on CRAN.suppressMessages()
suppresses the (harmless) httr messages about the authorization.The test case does have a lot of boilerplate to set up and manage the fake apps. Note that you can refactor this code into its own helper function, that starts up the fake app sub-process on demand in a helper file. That way you can reuse it for multiple test files and test cases.
This test case ensures that the OAuth2.0 setup in
stays correct.